Friday, January 28, 2011

It is Friday, a not so typical Friday, as I asked my mom to pick me up this morning and give me a ride to my clinic this morning.  I attend a Women's group at the Mental Health Clinic where I receive services.  Sitting in the waiting room I was knitting.  A couple of women asked if I would knit them mittens.  I will.

I am working on an experiment with the Mobius scarf.  I bought the yarn at a thrift store.  I believe it is a sport yarn, acrylic at least seventy-five percent.  I like colors, blend of blue,green and red hues.

With a size five 40" cable circular I casted on stitches.  I don't know how many, I guess around three hundred.  I wish I could explain the cast on, but not in words.  There are however, many blogs and videos on the internet that I utilize when I find my self looking to create.  Any one who has knit a mobuis knows that when you knit the mobius you double the number of stitches you have casted on.  Since this is a scarf and an experiment, it didn't matter to me how many stitches I cast on.  I worked it around several times, and then casted on ten stitches for a lace edging.  I have been working the edging for three nights, now, and I am not a quarter of the way toward the end.

I can't wait to see it finished.

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