Thursday, March 17, 2011

Knit! Knit! Knitting

 I am busy knitting, of course.  Yesterday my aunt and cousin and I went to the Science Museum of Minnesota to see the King Tut exhibit.  It was a great day and we had a good time.

I am currently knitting dress accessories to go with an outfit I am putting together and wearing to a wedding next weekend. I have finished the credit card holder and a little pleated clutch.  I am now knitting up a headband.  I am using Feza Night, yarn in a glittery red and I just love it.

I have finished four squares for my sampler afghan.  I am knitting this project with several colors in "Red Heart" worsted.  This is a fun project and will give me an opportunity to use several stitch patterns.

Tree of Life

25 Anchors


Popcorn Stitch


What ever you are knitting......happy knitting!

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

March 2, 2011

I finished the clutch and Sharon put a zipper in it.  I have more ideas,,,they are on hold............

On to something else.    Sometime I just like to knit and a sampler afghan is just perfect.  So at Sharon's suggestion I purchased several skeins of "Red Heart".  I selected two hues of pink, two of purple, and a verigated.  I don't know.....yet how it will all go together but it's part of the fun.......

This is my first motif:  Tree of Life