Friday, June 10, 2011

I Did Something Crazy

Last Thursday Sharon and I stopped at a garage sale.  Okay, we stopped at more than one sale, but at one particular sale a man had bins and bins of yarn.  Sharon found five skeins of wool inside a bin she was looking through and she dug them out and handed them to me. 

At another stop, I found an interesting book, titled, "Modular Crochet".  Judy Copeland authored the book and copyright is 1978.  I purchased it for twenty-five cents.

Modular  Crochet, by Judy Copeland                                                                                                                                                                   

 Judy explains how to design interesting pullovers crocheting rectangles.  I couldn't wait to try it and that evening I put down my knitting needles and picked up a crochet hook. 

I used the wool I purchased at the first garage sale, and some wool I had left over from the mittens I knit this past winter.

Modular Crochet pullover

And of course.......I had model it.

Me wearing my "Modular Crochet" pullover

1 comment:

  1. What a deal on the book and the sweater turned out amazing!!
